
11 Federal Republic of Nigeria

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.



The British colonized Nigeria.

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Which of the following natural resources in Nigeria have received the MOST investment?
iron ore, lead, zinc
oil reserves
natural gas


What is the name of the movement whose goal was to unify African countries and help them work together to improve each other’s economies, and contributed to Nigeria’s independence movement?
Independence Movement
Pan-African Movement
African Union

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the Niger river which is the origin of the country’s name? Select ALL that apply.
It is navigable.
It is the largest river in West Africa.
The area around the delta is NOT suitable for agriculture.
It has an inner delta in the middle of the river where it divides into smaller bodies of water as it meets with a larger body of water.


Which of these statements describes why the area along the coastline is heavily populated? Select ALL that apply.
Areas along the coast are the most suitable for farming.
Trading is easier along the coastline.
The area is the center of the oil industry.
all of the above


Which of these statements is TRUE of the economy of Nigeria? Select ALL that apply.
It has the largest economy in Africa.
It has a traditional economy.
The economy is mixed, but leans toward a market economy.
Economic growth has not been enough to reduce the level of poverty; over 70% of the people live in extreme poverty.


Which of these statements describe steps which Nigeria could take to improve its economy? Select ALL that apply.
Investing more in human capital rather focusing on capital goods investment would help to decrease poverty.
Diversify so there is less dependence on oil and more development of other natural resources.
Support entrepreneurship by helping people find money to start a business.
Improve infrastructure to make the movement of goods and people easier.


Which of these statements describes the role and impact of religion in Nigeria? Select ALL that apply.
After Nigeria gained independence from Britain, a religious civil war broke out. Today there is still conflict between religious groups.
British colonists sent missionaries to convert people to Christianity. Today 50% of the population is Muslim.
Nigerians don’t take religion very seriously.
Arab traders brought Islam to Nigeria. Today 40% of the population is Muslim.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the government of Nigeria before and after a republic was established? Select ALL that apply.
Until 1999 when a constitution was adopted transferring power from military rule to civilian rule, the government struggled to be stable.
Today, citizen participation in the government is very limited.
As a federal presidential republic, Nigeria is currently enjoying its longest civilian rule since independence. However, government corruption remains a problem.
Today, citizens elect the president and the members of the legislative branch, the National Assembly.


Which of these statements describes why the literacy rate in Nigeria is very low? Select ALL that apply.
The government invests very little in human capital.
Almost 30% of children must work to help their families and cannot attend school.
There are relatively few schools remaining due to civil war.
Many girls do not attend school because it’s believed to be more important to marry at a young age.

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