
07 Republic of Turkey

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Which empire controlled much of the Middle East from the 1300’s until the early 1900’s?


Which term is most often used to describe being non-religious, or worldly?


What are the two important rivers that flow through Turkey, and what is the impact of Turkey building dams on the rivers to create water reservoirs and hydroelectricity?
Dams built on the Euphrates and Tigris decrease the amount of water traveling downstream, causing tensions between Turkey and Syria.
Dams built on the Euphrates and Ganges decrease the amount of water traveling downstream, causing tensions between Turkey and Syria.
Dams built on the Jordan and Tigris decrease the amount of water traveling downstream, causing tensions between Turkey and Syria.
Dams built on the Jordan and Dardanelles decrease the amount of water traveling downstream, causing tensions between Turkey and Syria.


Of the natural resources in Turkey, which are the most valuable?
minerals and petroleum
minerals, natural stone and arable land
clay and pumice
petroleum and natural gas


Which agreement formally ended the Ottoman Empire?
Turkish Constitution
Mudros Armistice
San Remo agreement.
Lusanne Peace Treaty


Mustafa Kemel was elected as the first president of the Republic of Turkey in 1923 and he instituted many reforms. Which of these reforms led to a dramatic increase in the literacy rate in Turkey?
political and legal
social and cultural

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


Which of the following statements is TRUE of Turkey’s economy? Select ALL that apply.
Turkey has a mostly command economy.
Turkey is moving to a more market economy.
Turkey has put reforms in place to reduce government control over some industries.
The demand for Turkish goods in Europe has slowed in recent years.


Which of the following statements is TRUE of Turkey’s trade? Select ALL that apply.
Turkey does not need to import goods, as they have sufficient natural resources to meet their needs.
Throughout Turkey’s history, it has been a crossroads for trade routes.
Turkey is the 29th-largest exporter of goods and services in the world.
Turkey’s location makes trading difficult.


Turkey has been working to become a full member of the European Union for years to improve their trade and economy. Which of these statements about life in Turkey has caused some to resist full membership? Select ALL that apply.
The European Union would gain no benefits from Turkey’s membership.
Turkey has had human rights violations.
European countries object to the government of Turkey.
Turkey is culturally different from the rest of Europe, with the majority of the population following Islam.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the government of Turkey? Select ALL that apply.
The government is a presidential democracy.
There is separation between religion and government.
All members of the government must be practicing the Islamic faith.
The government is a parliamentary democracy.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the impact of the global fight against ISIS in Turkey? Select ALL that apply.
Turkey has provided a safe haven for ISIS fighters.
Turkey is involved in the fight against ISIS.
The U. S. helps Turkey with border security to guard against ISIS militants entering the country.
Turkey has given the U. S. access to an air base to use in our fight against ISIS.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the government of Turkey and the participation of citizens? Select ALL that apply.
The head of government is the prime minister, appointed by the president, from the members of the Grand National Assembly.
The head of state is the president, directly elected by citizens.
Citizens elect the Grand National Assembly.
The head of government is the president, directly elected by citizens.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the current state of subsidies in the Turkish economy? Select ALL that apply.
Subsidies adversely affect trade with Turkey.
Turkey grants money to some businesses to help them grow.
Turkey is opposed to granting subsidies.
Subsidies reduce the cost of some items, making life easier for the Turkish people.


Which statements are TRUE of entrepreneurship in the economy of Turkey? Select ALL that apply.
The government has promised to reduce obstacles to opening a new business.
The government has been slow to encourage private business ownership.
Strict regulations discourage the opening of new businesses.
Public universities now have a focus on entrepreneurship and inspiring innovation.


Which of these statements is TRUE of the relationship between the United States and Turkey? Select ALL that apply.
The two countries are opposed to each other because of their differences in religion.
The two countries are allied in fighting terrorism.
The relationship between the two countries dates back to 1831, when the U.S. established ties with the Ottoman Empire.
The two countries have a strong trading relationship.

Turkey and Georgia enjoy a robust trading relationship. Select the products which each country imports from the other country by entering A or B beside the list of products.
products Georgia imports from Turkey
products Turkey imports from Georgia


cotton, paper, wood pulp, aircraft, motor vehicles


clothing, engines, carpets, machinery, stone

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