
The following websites have information you might find useful. Due to the ever-changing nature of the Internet, Clairmont Press does not guarantee the reliability of these sources.

West Virginia Chapter 4 Section 1 Websites:

T149  www.silkroadfoundation.org

T150  http://mrkash.com/activities/ageofexploration.html (map)

T151 https://www.nationalgeographic.org/photo/colonial-trade

p. 158  https://www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/wv-businesses-celebrated-for-first-time-exports-to-foreign-countries/article_66060075-8e6a-5c33-bc1a-c4ede74bb3da.html
 (Lists several small businesses by county which export goods.  This is a good place for students to start research on activity to identify from which counties goods are exported.)