Click links below to see our products.
- Alabama
- Louisiana (2015)
- Mississippi (2019)
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- West Virginia (2019)
- West Virginia
Clairmont Press is dedicated to providing the highest quality instructional materials available to support social studies instruction focused on state histories and world studies. Our company has evolved into one of the nation's leading publishers of state history and world studies social studies materials100% aligned to the the instructional standards of each state. Our comprehensive programs offer age-appropriate informational text, student activity and research opportunities, literacy support strategies, varied assessment options, and content available in print and electronic formats. Novice-level teachers and experienced pros will find an array of materials at hand that will allow them more time to plan high-quality lessons and engage with their students.
Use the navigation links on this page to discover the great offerings we have to support social studies instruction. Our newest offerings support the following curricula:
- Louisiana Standards for Social Studies - our newest program, grades 6-8
- Georgia Standards of Excellence for Social Studies - World Studies, 6 & 7; Georgia Studies, 8
- South Carolina Social Studies College- and Career-Ready Standards - South Carolina and the United States, 8.
For more information, use the Contacts link to get in touch!