Smart Skills

Smart Skills are daily practice tasks consisting of Maps, Charts and Graphs, Art and Artifact Analysis, Timelines, and Political Cartoons. See "Smart Skills Teacher Overview" PowerPoint for details.

The focus of the skills will most likely NOT align to your current social studies topic. However, the skills activities will serve as a review of content already taught, or a preview of upcoming content.

Instructional Tips

Week # Skill Topic
Week 1 Maps World Map
Week 2 Charts & Graphs Miles of Railroad Graph
Week 3 Art & Artifacts Telegraph Insulator
Week 4 Timelines Inventions
Week 5 Political Cartoons

Children Using Devices

Week 6 Maps 1890 Population Density
Week 7 Charts & Graphs Climograph of New Orleans
Week 8 Art & Artifacts 19th Century Buttonhook
Week 9 Timelines The Case of the Amistad Captives
Week 10 Political Cartoons Looking Backwards
Week 11 Maps Common Source Countries of Immigrants
Week 12 Charts & Graphs

GDP of the United States (2000-2023)

Week 13 Art & Artifacts Coal Miners
Week 14 Timelines Events Leading to WW1
Week 15 Political Cartoons The Vacant Plate
Week 16 Maps Population Density
Week 17 Charts & Graphs

Louisiana Unemployment Rate

Week 18 Art & Artifacts Bread Slicer
Week 19 Timelines The Time Between the Wars
Week 20 Political Cartoons Debt Peonage
Week 21 Maps Population Change
Week 22 Charts & Graphs Average U.S. Price for Gasoline
Week 23 Art & Artifacts Louisiana Logging
Week 24 Timelines Civil Rights Movement
Week 25 Political Cartoons Mary's Little Lamb
Week 26 Maps Hurricane Map
Week 27 Charts & Graphs U.S. Gross Domestic Product 2000-2023
Week 28 Art & Artifacts Computer Disc
Week 29 Timelines Conflicts in Southwest Asia
Week 30 Political Cartoons Hanoi and Laos
Week 31 Maps McDonald's (R) Map
Week 32 Charts & Graphs Smartphone Owners
Week 33 Art & Artifacts War Memorial
Week 34 Timelines Personal Timeline
Week 35 Political Cartoons Here They Come